The Day's Dumpster Fire

Episode 20. Which Witch Was it Fire

Ed and Kara

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They finally made it! The original episode 20 was a recording nightmare and instead of Ed throwing his laptop out the window, our resident nerds re-recorded a new one. This time the right boxes were checked so it actually recorded. 

But yes! Episode 20 in all its glory is out in the wild. In this episode, Kara and Ed break down the famous Salem Witch Trials of 1692. While the rest of the world was winding down from all their witch hunt chicanery, the American colonies were just getting warmed up. However, America being America took their own spin on things and our hosts look at everything from the belief structures of the Puritans, how women and children were valued in Puritanical society as well as politics, and land grabbing and legalized incestuous robbery. There is a lot of stuff that went on behind the scenes beyond a handful of girls claimed they saw and experienced. 

After 19 women and men were innocently executed for bogus reasons, it's safe to say that NOTHING like this witch hunt could ever happen again. America always learns its lessons and thankfully crazy witch hunts have never happened again... [insert eye roll emoji here] 

Hey before you go! Email us your "Trashcan Fires" to (be sure to put "Trashcan Fire" in the subject line

We would love to see your stories where you tried to plan out every little detail, but when you executed that plan, it all went horribly wrong shortly after and turned into your own Dumpster Fire.

Be sure to put "Trashcan Fire" in the subject line followed by the title of the story and whether or not we can use your name.

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