The Day's Dumpster Fire

Episode 18. Hubble Needs Glasses Fire Part 1.

Ed and Kara

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Guess who's back! 

Fat Batman and Asthmatic Robin are out of a life inducing exile after a long bout of Murphy's Law saying, "Hold my beer, and watch this!" Being an adult is hard and "adulting" takes up a lot of time. Now our intrepid hosts are back and Ed is once again nerding out on sciencey things. All the while Kara sits patiently while Ed tries and fails to bring out his inner Neil deGrasse Tyson. 

In this episode, the famous Hubble Space Telescope's origin story is under the magnifying lens so to speak. We all love the pictures this instrument has been pumping out for decades, but few remember or know that the process to get this thing built took decades and was fraught with one trashcan fire after another. Everything from funding issues, to mirror grinding issues, to even exploding space shuttles. The fact that it is doing so well now is a testament to humanity's inability to control Murphy's Law... but it's cute when it does try. 

Sit back, relax, plug your earholes with some electrified magnets and relish the return of the top 150,000th podcast in Kalispell, Montana. 

Hey before you go! Email us your "Trashcan Fires" to (be sure to put "Trashcan Fire" in the subject line

We would love to see your stories where you tried to plan out every little detail, but when you executed that plan, it all went horribly wrong shortly after and turned into your own Dumpster Fire.

Be sure to put "Trashcan Fire" in the subject line followed by the title of the story and whether or not we can use your name.

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